Author Archives: Joanna

Modifying Your Condo/HOA Governing Documents: When It’s Necessary and How to Accomplish it With Less Stress ( Webinar)

Modifying Your Condo/HOA Governing Documents: When It’s Necessary and How to Accomplish It With Less Stress

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, November 16, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

If you’re like most condo/HOA board members, when you’ve read your declaration, your bylaws, or some other governing document, you’ve thought: “Wait, that can’t be right.”

Perhaps your documents are so out of date they mention things you legally can’t do these days, such as prohibit ownership based on race or ban all signs or flags or satellite dishes.

Or perhaps your community has morphed, and you’d like to modify some of the documents to permit owners more latitude or to restrict owners’ rights. Parking, rentals, and pets are all hot-button issues today, and your documents may need to be updated to reflect that.

Or maybe you need to change your documents to remove provisions you don’t enforce and that you and your owners would prefer you not enforce anymore.

Whatever the challenge with your documents, it’s important to ensure that any changes you make are done purposefully and properly.

Join us for a foundational webinar on November 16 for an A-to-Z guide on what to know if you’re considering modifying your governing documents. You’ll hear from two community association lawyers with extensive hands-on experience advising associations.

You’ll learn:

  • How to identify what should be changed in your governing documents and what’s probably not ideal but perhaps not critical to change
  • Specific examples of red light, yellow light, and green light provisions that you must change, that you probably should change, and that you can probably live with
  • General requirements for changing each of the documents in the hierarchy in governing documents, from your declaration to your bylaws down to your rules
  • A step-by-step overview of the process to follow in modifying governing documents, including timelines (spoiler alert: the timeline can be long!)
  • Tips for educating your owners on why changes are necessary and getting their buy-in when their approval is required
  • Best practices for passing amendments to your governing documents
  • Tips to make the entire effort less daunting, less time-consuming, and less contentious
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll hear the most important information you need to assess and update your governing documents to make your job and your owners’ lives better. Register now for this informative event for community association board members. Offers New Webinar on Condo/HOA Rules Enforcement

Enforcement of Your HOA’s Rules: How to Create Enforceable Rules, Effective Fines, and a Fair Violation Process

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, October 12, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Enforcing your condo or HOA’s rules doesn’t have to be a pitched, tense, and unpleasant battle between your board and your homeowners. With some smart planning, you can make enforcing your HOA’s rules quicker, easier, and less stressful.

Join us for an in-depth webinar on October 12 led by two community association experts who have decades of hands-on experience in advising associations on how to create and enforce rules and insights on the day-to-day operations of rules enforcement. You’ll get up-to-date practical ideas, systems, and processes you can begin to take advantage of at your association the minute the webinar ends.

You’ll learn:

  • The role of the lowly rule in HOAs, being less powerful than a CC&R or a bylaw, but easier to implement than provisions in those weightier documents
  • How to determine the steps you need to follow to create enforceable rules
  • Tips for identifying what you can handle with a rule and what you should never try to accomplish through a rule
  • How fines fit into rulemaking, including how to set an effective fine amount and how to know when you’ve gone too far with a fine
  • The steps you need to take to create an effective violation system — from notice of a violation to providing a meaningful right for owners to state their defense at a fair hearing
  • Insights into rules you’ll never be able to enforce and fines that’ll fall short of their goal to curb repeated violations
  • Suggestions to help you avoid the most common mistakes boards make creating and enforcing their rules
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll gain practical, valuable tools you can use right away to make your rules more enforceable and your violation process more fair. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

HOA Reserves and Other Funding Options: Tips for Everyday Smart Money Management [ Webinar]

HOA Reserves and Other Funding Options: Tips for Everyday Smart Money Management

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Money is one of the most contentious issues you’ll manage at your HOA. There’s always an owner—or many—who’ll challenge your financial decisions. Whether it’s how much money to collect from owners in assessments, how much money to spend on maintenance and repairs, or how much money to set aside in your reserves for those inevitable projects, your actions will be put under a microscope.

Keep calm and join our webinar for vital information on how you can effectively fund your association’s reserves in one-hour webinar on September 14 led by three community association experts—one a manager, one a lawyer, and one a reserves analyst.

They’ll explain what you need to know about HOA reserves and other funding mechanisms. They’ll also reveal the smartest moves you can make to ensure your HOA can pay for needed maintenance and repair projects and everyday HOA operations.

You’ll learn:

  • The role of reserves at an HOA, including the new three-part test defining what’s appropriate to fund through reserves
  • How state laws differ in requirements for reserves, ranging from states that don’t have any laws specifically governing HOA reserves to those that require reserve studies or certain reserve levels—and states in between that permit HOAs to not fund reserves if owners approve such a move
  • What you should know about reserve and money management to ensure you meet your fiduciary duties and responsibilities
  • When and how to conduct a reserve study
  • The consequences of underfunding reserves
  • How to help your owners take their focus off the goal of “low monthly assessments”
  • Pros and cons of various funding mechanisms: budgeted contributions, one-time special assessments, and loans
  • The most common mistakes boards make when funding HOA repair projects, whether through reserves or another funding method
  • And much more!

After just one hour, you’ll know the HOA industry’s best practices when it comes to money matters at your HOA. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

How to Crack the Code on Media Strategy and Channel Mix [Strategic Health Care Marketing Webinar]

Strategic Health Care Marketing Logo

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

How to Crack the Code on Media Strategy and Channel Mix

WellSpan Health’s omnichannel media approach had a dramatic impact in a highly competitive marketplace. Learn how you can use intent-based planning to guide your media strategy and drive results.

Thursday    |   September 7, 2023    |   2 p.m. Eastern

Your Presenters:

First Threads. Then X. Media channels are multiplying and shape shifting every day, and consumers have ever-expanding options when it comes to where they spend their valuable time.

In such a fragmented media world, how do you decide where to invest, to ensure that your marketing campaigns connect with and engage your key target audience?

Intent-based planning and tools get to the root of consumers’ media choices. Which channels do they use? When is the best time to reach them? How do they make health care decisions?

WellSpan teamed up with SPM Marketing & Communications media experts to consolidate and coordinate its media strategy. Using data analytics, strategic audience-focused media plans, consistent optimization, and a robust measurement framework, WellSpan took on large academic medical centers in its local market and rose to the top.

Join us September 7 when our presenters will share how they embraced a fully integrated team approach to media strategy that enabled WellSpan to break through the noise — and how a strategic approach to media planning can help you achieve great results for your organization.

You’ll learn:

  • Which media channels are best for health care.
  • How to leverage consumer insights in your media planning.
  • How to balance digital and traditional media.
  • How to measure and report results.
  • Why an integrated approach is essential.

And much more! 

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Thursday, September 7, 2023
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend, thanks to our event sponsor.

Can’t attend on September 7?
Register now and get the webinar recording to view at your convenience.
Everyone who registers will be sent a link to the webinar recording after the event.

What Condo/HOA Boards Need to Know About Regulating Rentals [ Webinar]

Rentals in Your HOA or Condo Getting You Down? What Condo/HOA Boards Need to Know About Regulating Rentals

An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

Thursday, August 17, 2023
2-3 p.m. Eastern

Travel is back! And guess where many travelers in the United States are staying? You’ve got it: In a short-term rental—perhaps one in your community, even.

But when you approach owners about the possibility, you’re told that nice lady who just moved into Owner Ollie’s unit is his cousin—wink, wink. And that family that rolled their luggage in Owner Ophelia’s unit last Thursday and rolled it back out Sunday night? They’re just friends! Nothing to see here!

Rentals are one of the toughest issues to control at HOAs, and they’ve become even more difficult to oversee with Americans traveling the country. What’s a responsible board to do?

Join us for a don’t-miss webinar on August 17 on how to create a smart—and enforceable—rental policy at your HOA. You’ll hear two community association lawyers with decades of hands-on experience in advising associations share their best advice on:

  • What to know about rentals in HOAs: Is it true they can lower property values? Or is that just an urban myth perpetuated by stuffy, get-off-my-lawn-type owners?
  • The pros and cons of creating rental restrictions in your community, including the biggie: How do we enforce it?
  • Factors to consider when you evaluate whether your HOA needs a change in policy—whether it’s going from a no-rental plan to permitting rentals or the other way around
  • What you need to know about the booming business of short-term rentals by homeowners
  • Provisions to include in a rental policy to ensure it’s reasonable and enforceable
  • Best practices for educating your community on your proposed rental policy so you can actually get it passed
  • How to monitor your owners’ activities to ensure they’re not violating your policy
  • Tips to make enforcement less daunting, time-consuming, and contentious, including smart ideas for fines that will deter and punish abusers
  • Suggestions for dealing with those violating your rules, whether they’re doing regular, annual leases or listing their property on Airbnb, VRBO, and other websites in violation of your rules
  • And much more!

In just 60 minutes, you’ll hear the most important information you need to assess and tweak your rental policy. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Brand Differentiation for Health Systems: A New Webinar for Health Care Marketers

A new Strategic Health Care Marketing webinar for health care marketers and strategists.

Brand Differentiation for Health Systems: How to Stand Out in a Crowded Market and Drive Business Results

Wednesday    |   August 9, 2023   |   2 p.m. Eastern

Your Presenters:

Today, healthcare marketing is more complex than ever, with multiple consumer channels, recruitment challenges, and a rapidly changing competitive landscape. How do you stand out from the crowd?

A top academic health system in an extremely competitive market, Emory Healthcare needed a clear, attractive, and differentiating position and a compelling message that balanced business goals with consumer wants.

Emory has worked closely with SPM Group since 2016 to design some of the most successful campaigns in the Atlanta market — even through the pandemic.

Emory achieved success by defining key consumer insights, enabling it to:

  • Drive brand preference
  • Increase service line volume, and
  • Improve employee recruitment and retention.

Join us on August 9 when our presenters will share the strategic approach they employed and insights that can help you evolve your brand position, optimize your marketing efforts, and address all of your business goals regardless of the size or structure of your organization.

You’ll learn:

  • How to define your brand proposition or Brand Truth 
  • What health consumers care about most when choosing a healthcare brand. 
  • What employees care about most when choosing a place to work. 
  • How to make the most of your marketing budget. 
  • How to balance brand, service line, and recruitment goals. 

The results you can expect with this approach.

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Time:   2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:   This event is free to attend, thanks to our event sponsor.

Can’t attend on August 9?
Register now and get the webinar recording to view at your convenience.
Everyone who registers will be sent a link to the webinar recording after the event.

eHealthcare Leadership Awards Acquired by Plain-English Media

Plain-English Media, the parent company of eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, is pleased to announce that it has recently acquired the eHealthcare Leadership Awards from Health Care Communications of Rye, NY. The annual competition gives healthcare organizations of all sizes the opportunity to shine the spotlight on their successful digital marketing and communications initiatives.

The move reunites the Awards with the publisher of the eHealthcare Strategy & Trends website and newsletter. “It made sense to bring the two back together,” says Matt Humphrey, founder and president of Plain-English Media. “Both the Awards and the publication showcase leading healthcare organizations and how they are successfully leveraging digital channels to drive strategic goals. We’re excited to continue the work of recognizing and sharing success stories from leading healthcare organizations.”

The eHealthcare Leadership Awards program has grown tremendously and become the unquestioned leader in honoring healthcare digital communications.

The Awards, now in their 18th year, are judged by experienced digital marketers from hospitals, health systems, and a wide variety of other healthcare organizations, as well as marketing service providers. In 2016, over 900 entries competed for platinum, gold, silver, and distinction honors. The Awards focus on digital functionality, with an emphasis on ease of use. There are 15 award categories and 17 group classifications, so that organizations compete only against others of comparable type, size, and resources.

The 2017 award winners will be announced at the 21st Annual Healthcare Internet Conference in Austin, TX, October 23-25. Mark Gothberg, who founded the Awards and eHealthcare Strategy & Trends, will serve as chairman emeritus and senior advisor of the eHealthcare Leadership Awards this year.

“Since Health Care Communications first launched the awards 18 years ago, the program has grown tremendously and become the unquestioned leader in honoring healthcare digital communications. I fully expect that the program will continue this success and add even greater value to those who enter and those who support the awards,” notes Gothberg.

The entry deadline is June 30. Additional information and entry materials are available at:

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Population Health Management Webinar

Strategic Health Care Marketing Logo

Strategic Health Care Marketing presents a brand-new webinar for health care marketers, communicators, and strategists…

Population Health Management: How to Use Behavior-Change Marketing to Improve Your Patients’ and Community’s Health—and Your Organization’s Bottom Line

Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 2:00-3:30 P.M. Eastern Time. ​ dubuque-royce 150x340

Your Presenters:

  • Susan Dubuque, Principal, Neathawk Dubuque & Packett
  • Maria L. Royce, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Market Development, Chief Strategy Officer, WellSpan Health


As a health care marketer, your job has primarily been about generating volume: putting as many “heads in the beds” as possible. But with the recent changes in health care reimbursement, hospitals and health systems are transitioning from getting people into their facilities to keeping them healthy.

One tool to help encourage healthy behaviors is called “social marketing” (not to be confused with social media), and it’s about using your marketing skills to make positive behavioral changes in a population—from smoking cessation to exercising more to eating healthier.

You’ve probably already seen some of these changes in your facility. And as a health care marketer, you may be wondering about your role in this new world order. What are the marketing skills you will need to change people’s behaviors—and do you have them? Is your job still relevant? How will population health management benefit your health care facility? And how will you know if it’s working?

The good news is that by shifting your orientation—and taking a lesson from our colleagues in public health—you can apply the marketing skills you already have to a new purpose: Changing behavior and improved health for your patients and the communities you serve.

And here’s even better news: You can find out what it takes to create a social marketing program in your health facility when you register to attend “Population Health Management: How to Use Behavior-Change Marketing to Improve Your Patients’ and Community’s Health—and Your Organization’s Bottom Line” on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.

Listen as Susan Dubuque from Neathawk Dubuque & Packett and Maria Royce from WellSpan Health provide a review of the latest changes in health care marketing and what they mean for you. Find out exactly what social marketing is, how it will benefit both you and your facility, and get a step-by-step guide to creating behavior-change programs that work. By the end of this webinar, you’ll be equipped to help your organization rethink its marketing strategy—and take a leadership role as it moves into the new paradigm of population health.

In addition, you’ll hear about a successful community health-improvement initiative that WellSpan created, and get an overview of a targeted program for “frequent-flyer” patients—those with multiple readmissions and higher ED use. Find out how these programs can have a positive impact on your facility’s bottom line.

Register today to guarantee your place at this essential learning session. And remember that your entire team in one location can participate with you when you register.

Strategic Health Care Marketing Webinar at a Glance

DATE: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
TIME: 2:00 P.M. Eastern, 1:00 P.M. Central, 12:00 P.M. Mountain, 11:00 A.M. Pacific DURATION: 90 Minutes
PLACE: Your computer
COST: $195 per dial-in site (unlimited attendance at one location) through 5/12/15, $245 thereafter
TO REGISTER: Click here or email


For one low price—just $195 when you register by 5/12/15 ($245 thereafter)—you and your entire team at one location can take part in this fast-paced, insightful webinar. Best of all, you’ll be able to connect personally with our speakers when we open things up for questions from the audience.

Here is just some of what you’ll learn during this in-depth 90-minute conference:

  • Social marketing: What it is and how it can help you and your organization survive the changing health care landscape.
  • How to determine if social marketing programs will be a good fit for your organization.
  • How to adapt your health care marketing skills to creating population health-improvement programs.
  • Step-by-step instructions for developing a behavioral-change marketing program.
  • The benefits of integrating health-improvement programs into your overall marketing strategy.
  • How to effectively measure the outcomes of your efforts—and their effects on your facility’s bottom line.
  • And much more!​​

Can’t Attend on May 20?
No problem. Just order the webinar recording on CD.

Distinguished Presenters

Susan DubuqueSusan Dubuque is Principal and Co-Founder of Neathawk Dubuque & Packett, a health care marketing and advertising firm. She is also an adjunct instructor at Virginia Commonwealth University in the School of Healthcare Administration and a member of the Strategic Health Care Marketing Editorial Advisory Board. Prior to founding ND&P, she was the Director of PR and Marketing for Mary Immaculate Hospital.

Ms. Dubuque has published more than 100 articles on health care and service marketing, and has assisted more than 200 hospitals and health care organizations with marketing and branding initiatives. She received the Award for Individual Professional Excellence from the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development (AHA).

Author of A Parent’s Survival Guide to Childhood Depression and Kid Power Tactics for Dealing with Depression, Ms. Dubuque launched a national campaign to increase public awareness of childhood depression, which has been adopted by Mental Health America.

maria-l-royceMaria L. Royce is the Chief Strategy Officer for WellSpan Health, an integrated system of physicians, hospitals and health services across south central Pennsylvania and northern Maryland. A veteran health care strategy professional, Ms. Royce provides leadership in the areas of strategic, operational, and business planning; community health and wellness; philanthropy; marketing; communications; and community partnerships.

Ms. Royce joined WellSpan in 1992 as the Director of Public and Corporate Relations and later served the organization as Director of Planning and Marketing and Vice President of Community Relations. She is an active leader in the health care industry, having been the President of the Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Development.

Ms. Royce holds a bachelor’s degree from LaRoche College, Pittsburgh, and a master’s degree in public administration/nonprofit management from the University of Pittsburgh.

 Your webinar registration includes:

  • A site license to attend this webinar (invite as many people in one location as you can fit around your computer at no extra charge).
  • Downloadable PowerPoint presentations from our speakers.
  • The opportunity to connect directly with our speakers during the audience Q&A session.

Register Now! Or for more information, email


Can’t Attend on May 20?

No problem. Just order the webinar recording on CD.

New Webinar on HOA Board Members and Fiduciary Duties: What You Must Know to Fulfill Your Duty to Your Association and Protect Yourself from Personal Liability

Upcoming Event: An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

HOA Board Members and Fiduciary Duties: What You Must Know to Fulfill Your Duty to Your Association and Protect Yourself from Personal Liability

Thursday, November 13, 2014
2-3 p.m. Eastern Members save $30!
Not a member yet? Sign up for a trial membership now.

When you volunteered to serve your community association as a board member, did you realize you were agreeing to set aside your own interests and act as a fiduciary on behalf of the entire association? Are you confident you know every scenario where you might trip up and expose yourself to personal liability by failing to live up to this important duty?

Set aside an hour of your time to learn what you need to know and ensure you’re not risking your own financial security by making common—but easily avoidable—mistakes while volunteering as an HOA board member.

Join us for in an in-depth webinar on November 13 led by two community association experts who will explain in layperson’s terms what it means to act as a fiduciary for your association.

You’ll learn:

  • The legal definition of a fiduciary—and the real-life risks you face if you’re found to have breached your fiduciary duties
  • The specific responsibilities you carry because of your fiduciary duties, including:
    • What it means to act in a “representative capacity”
    • Understanding the “business judgment rule”
    • How to meet confidentiality requirements
  • Tips to help you understand potential conflicts of interest and how they can trigger a breach of your fiduciary duty
  • Best practices to help you avoid the most common conflicts of interest board members face
  • Information to help you identify when providing full disclosure will diffuse conflicts of interest, along with practical suggestions for doing that properly
  • What you need to know about insurance to protect you from claims of a breach of your fiduciary duty
  • Plus much more!

Arm yourself with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your association. Bring your entire board and make sure everyone knows these critical, fundamental concepts of good HOA governance. By proactively educating your entire board, you may just nip a potential conflict of interest problem in the bud. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Can’t attend on November 13? Order the recording.

About Your Speakers
Debra A. Warren, PCAM, CCAM Debra A. Warren, PCAM, CCAM, is a senior vice president at Associa®. She has more than 25 years of experience in community association management and was founder and principal of a successful consulting practice after 15 years as president and CEO of a management firm in Northern California, which she sold in 2005. Warren has also been actively involved in the education of community management professionals and volunteer board members across the country. She has 18 years of experience as an educator and in 2010 was named by the Community Associations Institute as educator of the year..
Matthew Zifrony Matthew Zifrony is a director with Tripp Scott, a law firm in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He’s the president of one of the largest homeowners associations in Broward County and represents numerous condominium and homeowners associations in the tri-county area, providing counsel on such issues as collections, rules enforcement, contractual review, and association documents. Zifrony is past board member of the Community Association Institute. He earned a law degree, with honors, from the University of Florida and a bachelor’s degree, with honors, from the University of Florida’s School of Business Administration.

How Do Webinars Work?

A webinar is remarkably cost-effective and convenient. You participate from your home or office, using a regular telephone and a computer with an Internet connection. You have no travel costs, hassle, or commute time.

Plus, for one low price, you can get as many people on your condo or HOA board to participate as you can fit around a speakerphone and a computer screen. And now, with our special group membership offer, your entire board can attend—even from different locations. This offer requires an Group Membership. When any group member orders, we will set up access for the entire group. Up to 10 users can attend for one low price. It’s another incredible deal as part of Group Membership.

Because the conference is live, you can ask the speakers questions via the webinar interface. Many attendees tell us this is the most valuable part of the webinar.

You will receive access instructions via e-mail several days before the event. You don’t need any additional materials before the webinar starts. Your conference materials will be available for you to view, print, and download when you log in to participate in the event.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied after attending an event, let us know within 30 days, and we will refund 100% of your registration fee — no questions asked.

About’s attorney editors and experienced journalists constantly research the latest developments in HOA law affecting homeowner and condominium associations across the U.S. Then we publish plain-English analyses of what those developments mean to you as an HOA leader, and what you need to do now to comply with HOA laws, steer clear of legal trouble, avoid or resolve conflicts within your homeowners association, make HOA management easier, and safeguard your community association’s property values and quality of life.

Not a member yet? Sign up for a free trial membership here.

New Webinar on HOA Elections: A Step-by-Step Guide to Plan, Properly Notice, and Execute Successful Elections at Your Homeowner Association

Upcoming Event: An Webinar for Condo and HOA Boards

HOA Elections: A Step-by-Step Guide to Plan, Properly Notice, and Execute Successful Elections at Your Homeowner Association

Thursday, October 9, 2014
2-3 p.m. Eastern Members save $30!
Not a member yet? Sign up for a trial membership now.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: You announce an HOA election providing proper notice, yet only a handful of owners show up to vote. You end up short of your quorum requirements, and you have to start all over again with your fingers crossed that next time, your luck will be better, and your election will be successful. Or instead, you hold your election, get definitive results—you think—but then the election gets challenged.

We can help you do better! Join us for an in-depth webinar on October 9 led by two community association lawyers who’ve devoted their extensive—and impressive—careers to solving the challenges HOAs face every day. You’ll log out of the webinar with valuable, workable tactics you can implement immediately to make your election process smoother, more successful, and less contentious.

You’ll learn:

  • How to determine the specific steps your HOA must follow to conduct proper elections
  • Details on the most common mistakes boards make from election start to finish, and the most likely challenges to your election—and how to nip them in the bud
  • Information to help you identify your quorum requirements and creative tactics to ensure you get a quorum
  • Common rules governing who can run for your HOA board, along with insights on the pros and cons of changing your eligibility requirements—and tips on how to do it if you decide you should
  • Suggestions for general rules your board may want to consider passing to make holding elections easier
  • Tips to provide effective notice—and undercut any attempt to unwind your completed election based on claims of insufficient or improper notice
  • What you must know about proxies
  • Techniques you can deploy on the day of the election to avoid on-the-spot glitches
  • Plus much more!

It’s just an hour of your time, but you’ll walk away much wiser and better prepared for your HOA’s next election. Register now for this informative event for community association board members.

Can’t attend on October 9? Order the recording.

About Your Speakers
Stephen M. Guerra Stephen M. Guerra is a partner at Makower Abbate and practices primarily in condominium and subdivision association law, corporate governance law, and real estate development and finance. Mr. Guerra is a member of the Community Association Institute and the State Bar of Michigan’s Real Property Law Section. Mr. Guerra has written articles for the CAI’s Michigan chapter, Michigan Lawyer’s Weekly, and the Michigan Real Property Review and has been a seminar presenter for the CAI Michigan chapter and a roundtable presenter for the State Bar of Michigan’s Real Property Law Section. Mr. Guerra was also named a “rising star” by Michigan Super Lawyers in 2013 and 2014.
Bill Worrall Elizabeth White is a shareholder at the law firm of LeClairRyan in Williamsburg, Va., where she leads the firm’s national community association industry team. Widely regarded as a thought leader in this industry, White is a frequent speaker at CAI events on topics relating to community association law and is a regular contributor to such publications as She teaches a class on community association law at William and Mary Law School, which is the only one of its kind in Virginia and one of only a handful nationwide. White has been named one of the best lawyers in America.

How Do Webinars Work?

A webinar is remarkably cost-effective and convenient. You participate from your home or office, using a regular telephone and a computer with an Internet connection. You have no travel costs, hassle, or commute time.

Plus, for one low price, you can get as many people on your condo or HOA board to participate as you can fit around a speakerphone and a computer screen. And now, with our special group membership offer, your entire board can attend—even from different locations. This offer requires an Group Membership. When any group member orders, we will set up access for the entire group. Up to 10 users can attend for one low price. It’s another incredible deal as part of Group Membership.

Because the conference is live, you can ask the speakers questions via the webinar interface. Many attendees tell us this is the most valuable part of the webinar.

You will receive access instructions via e-mail several days before the event. You don’t need any additional materials before the webinar starts. Your conference materials will be available for you to view, print, and download when you log in to participate in the event.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied after attending an event, let us know within 30 days, and we will refund 100% of your registration fee — no questions asked.

About’s attorney editors and experienced journalists constantly research the latest developments in HOA law affecting homeowner and condominium associations across the U.S. Then we publish plain-English analyses of what those developments mean to you as an HOA leader, and what you need to do now to comply with HOA laws, steer clear of legal trouble, avoid or resolve conflicts within your homeowners association, make HOA management easier, and safeguard your community association’s property values and quality of life.

Not a member yet? Sign up for a free trial membership here.