A new IASC webinar for leaders at senior care and LTC facilities.
Wednesday | October 4, 2023 | 2 P.M. Eastern
Late last year, the Department of Health and Human Services released new guidance on HIPAA regulations to cover online tracking technologies that could compromise consumer privacy. Healthcare marketers must take a proactive role in responding. Are you ready?
Your Presenter:
Ben Dillon, Co-Owner and Chief Executive Officer, Geonetric

In December 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released new guidance on the use of marketing tracking technology under HIPAA. Recent communications from HHS and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) indicate that covered entities should be moving now to make the required changes.
Unfortunately, the guidance has raised more questions than it has answered. A recent study suggests that if the guidance is taken at face value, 99 percent of health systems fail to meet the new standards.
To better understand how the industry is responding, Geonetric conducted its own analysis, and through conversations with dozens of healthcare organizations and their compliance and legal teams, identified a wide range of interpretations of the new rules. Based on these findings, this webinar will give marketers the tools you need to help your organization navigate these significant changes.
Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday, Oct. 4, and hear just how much the HHS guidance impacts healthcare — and how the impact goes far beyond ad tracking technologies.
You’ll learn:
- What the HHS guidance is, and how it relates to PHI and HIPAA
- Why every healthcare organization should be thinking about how they use marketing trackers and other ad technologies.
- Implications for healthcare that go beyond tracking pixels.
- How to engage in a risk assessment process.
- How to develop a process for achieving and maintaining compliance in the future.
- And much more!