How to Future-Proof Your Healthcare Website [eHealthcare Strategy & Trends Webinar]

A new eHealthcare Strategy & Trends webinar for healthcare marketers and strategists

Wednesday | June 5, 2024 | 2 p.m. Eastern

In this webinar a panel of digital marketing and technology experts, including leaders from award-winning health systems, will share how they achieve success for their organizations, and how you can, too.

Your Presenters:

  • Kevin Smith, Assistant Vice President, Digital Engagement, Baptist Health (KY)
  • Matt Schwabel, Executive Director, Marketing Technology & Operations, UNC Health
  • Michael Kincaid, Chief Technology Officer, Reason One
  • Stephen Barry, Product Owner, Lee Health

Moderated by:

  • Jane Weber Brubaker, Executive Editor, Plain-English Health care

Many healthcare organizations are grappling with how to future-proof their websites in the aftermath of the pandemic and in light of the recent HHS guidance regarding HIPAA compliance for websites. Key questions to consider include:

Does your website provide a consumer-focused experience?
Is the technology HIPAA-compliant and adaptable?
Does your website empower users to engage, with tools like self-scheduling, symptom-checking, and finding a doctor by location?

If not, you may need a major site redesign. But what’s the best approach? Should you start from scratch and re-platform? Or can you replace parts of your stack with solutions that better meet your organization’s needs? Is a composable tech stack with interchangeable solutions a better way to ensure your website meets the needs of your organization?

Join us for a free webinar on Wednesday June 5 at 2 p.m. Eastern where you’ll hear from technology and digital marketing leaders including Best Site Design Platinum Award winners from the 2023 eHealthcare Leadership Awards.

You’ll learn:

  • How to evaluate your current state and define the desired future state
  • Considerations for selecting the right technology
  • Best practices for gaining buy-in from stakeholders
  • How to develop a plan and timeline
  • Why a web steering committee is essential
  • How to measure success
  • And much much more!

Webinar at a Glance

Date:   Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Time:   2 p.m. Eastern, 1 p.m. Central, 12 p.m. Mountain, 11 a.m. Pacific
Duration:   60 Minutes
Cost:  This event is free to attend thanks to our event sponsor.